Saturday, April 28, 2012


So, t'ain't like I ackshully lied about the Fair Oaks Fiesta thing, it's just that I pretty much got caught up in the swirling eddy of time 'n didn't bother to check my olde chronometer that I've been wearing on my left wrist since....oh, I dunno, time immemorial...not quite that long but it goes back to the mid-70's when my mother bought me a Seiko divers watch that acts like a counterweight 'n keeps me more or less grounded...well, that's my story anyways 'n I been telling it for a long time so I guess I'll stick with it...
Next weekend is the Fiesta when all the turistas come to town, many of them bringing their children to see all the pretty chickens...the darn chickens ain't really as dumb as some of us like to think so when all those people come onto their turf, they go hide 'n don't come back until things quiet down...which ain't  such a bad idea if you got sumplace you c'n run to...
In the meantime which, if you stop 'n think about it,  is the only time that really counts for much, I'll just walk da boyz around the  park 'n keep an eye on Crestline where nuthin' much ever happens (Thank Heavens) a little raking, a little digging, maybe transplant a few geraniums (one of the few things that don't immediately die on me) 'n get my green cans ready for the Wednesday morning pickup...
One a' my neighbors wuz talking about her 'Bucket List'...she's pretty young 'n she remarked that she must be getting old becuz she wuz ackshully making a bucket list...I told her that I'm old 'n the only thing on my bucket list is that I gotta make a bucket list one of these daze when I c'n get around to it...I made the old joke about round tuits but she didn't get it so I went home 'n had a dish of Umpqua ice cream...which only proves that bad habits stay with you no matter how old y'get!

"You only get old once...if you're lucky!"

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