Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sleepy-bye rant...

When you can't quite keep your eyes open 'n you can't quite keep 'em shut ~ after you've had a glass of milk 'n a leftover sleeping pill ~ 'n after reading some of the absurdities that self-serving, agenda-driven elitists prattle about in their ongoing attempt to scam a population that is reeling from the constantly rising  cost of living brought to us by pious, sanctimonious, greedy politicians 'n 'more equal than other' leaders of the parade...

High speed rail is being sold to the California electorate as a panacea that will cure all the ills of the dysfunctional government that has been brought to us by the Progressive Liberal elitists who know best how to solve their neighbors problems.  
The fairy tale that forcing the multitude out of their cheap transportation is the cure for traffic gridlock is the same old story that we’ve heard since the inception of the Great Society that you can make a poor mans hovel look better by tearing down his middle class neighbors house. Forcing people out of their cheap transportation (automobiles) and onto mass transportation (buses,trains,and airplanes) can work in relatively small, high-density areas (New York City, etcetera) but doesn’t work at all in larger, less densely populated areas like the American west.  
The Progressive Liberal Elitist will say, “People should live closer to their jobs.”  Of course, that rule won’t apply to them. After all,they’re important and they have a greater need for private transportation.
Oh, and let’s not forget the jobs that highspeed rail will create.  The state can simply raise taxes on the wages that will come to the people who build the system.  There will obviously be more than enough income to pay the bureaucrats a percentage  with all the rest going back to the people who paid the money in  the first place.  It’s sort of a ‘round robin affair’....You can rob Peter to pay Paul then tax Paul to provide food stamps and unemployment insurance for Peter.  
No mes problema, manana es ‘soon enough for me’.....

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