Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And the fifth day of Christmas.... beginning really, really early...dunno why I can’t sleep....haven’t been doing the insomnia thing for quite a while but here I am, sleepless in Ol Fair Oaks.....tossin’ ‘n turnin’ from a little after two ‘n now it’s almost four, well it will be in about three minutes....must’a been sumthin’ I ate, no doubt....cheeseburgers ‘n french fries, a classic all-American meal if there ever wuz one....’n I didn’t have any soda altho caffeine has never been a problem for me...
Anyways, the rain has the weatherman sed it would....watched channel 10 last nite ‘n they had (I spoze) a holiday weather guy on the air...don’t watch 10 at nite all that often...Millyrose likes channel 3 nooze on 58....lotta numbers there as opposed to lotto numbers which I don’t do John sez, “If you don’t play, you can’t win!” I almost always reply, “If you don’t play, you don’t lose either!”.....I think they call that a ‘push’ in Blackjack ‘n I ain’t played that f’ever ‘n ever either, too, also....
T’morra. Millyrose goes t’the Doc for an exray ‘n consult about her broken wing....I’m pretty sure she’ll get some good nooze about it, she seems t’be doing really well altho it ‘s wearisome.....she doesn’t rest well tho’ she’s certainly not been a crybaby about it....I’m not so sure I would have been so stoic had I taken a dive from a barstool... Heck! At my size, had I taken such a dive, I might prob’ly have crashed thru the floor into the scary basement ‘n only Lamont Cranston knows what evil lurks therein....
‘n if you don’t remember Lamont Cranston....well, that’s what Google is really all about anyway.....nitey-nite all.....

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