Saturday, December 18, 2010

O by gosh by golly.....

seems t’be time for rain down the back of the neck....seems like it’s rainin’ all over the world....well, not really....I have a teevee ‘n I watch the nooze ‘n I know that somewhere the sun is shining ‘n somewhere hearts are light but Fair Oaks is turning into Mudville t’nite....ackshully, it started (began) last nite ‘n has continued thruout the day ‘n (according to all the weather pundits) is gonna continue into sometime next week or next year whichever comes first..... FORTUNATELY we’re not getting inches of rain per day which was forecast ‘n would have led to widespread flooding altho not on my little hilltop tho’ we might have had a small lake develop at the foot of the hasn’t done that for a few years but one never knows, does one?......we had a small break in the rain early this afternoon long enuff for da boyz to take me for a short walk ‘round ‘n about the village tho’ I made it a point to avoid Plaza Park which looks pleasantly green but is deceiving becuz it is water-logged already ‘n 240 lb men have a tendency to sink....da boyz love it however ‘n seem to delight in dragging their bellies thru the wet grass...
Willie especially finds it great fun altho’ afterwards when we get home ‘n I won’t let him back in the house without toweling him down is less amusing to don’t bother eit her one of them very long however cuz immediately they’re thru the door, they run thru the house checking on Millyrose, their food dishes, the water supply ‘n the trash, tho’ not necessarily in that order, after which they flop down ‘n go immediately to sleep.....which come to think on it ain’t a bad idea on a rainy, gloomy, wet Sati’day afternoon........yawnnnnnn.....

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