Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby steps for mankind.....

Well, it’s another small step for mankind with the scientific discovery that life exists where science said it couldn’t possibly....
Well, of course you know that I’m talking about Mono Lake which has long thought to be deader’n a doornail ever since Los Angeles siphoned all the Owens Valley water so that 20 million people could live in the desert year-round surrounded by golf courses ‘n mini-malls.....
You know how L.A. came t’be, don’cha?....The Spanish came, saw a bunch of Indians living in a green ‘n fertile land, made the same mistake that most newcomers to California make ‘n assumed that the Indians lived there year-round 'n the weather stayed perfect all the year.....
I ‘member when I first passed thru California back in ‘56....I spent a month or so in the Santa Clara valley in the fall....warm days, cool nights ‘n tho’t it was as near to perfect as I’d ever seen...I didn’t know that California had a different climate every few miles....
What I’m saying, of course, is that it’s easy to think you’re right when you know what you know but most of the time, if you live long enough, you’ll find out that life ain’t just one hand of poker, it’s a lot of ‘em ‘n every hand is just a little different ‘n what was what in one hand is totally different in other words, what you don’t know is a lot more than what you do know...or think you know...facts change!
Every generation comes to the world all brand new ‘n trusting in themselves...out with the old ‘n in with the based religion might have been all right back in the old days, before the internet, before science really got a grip on things.... Science is become the ‘new religion’...fact, not fancy....immutable, provable, factual.
Proponents of this neo-religion call themselves secularists ‘n their belief is based in fact as opposed to the unprovable statements of those old-time faith-based religions...
Of course, secularists overlook the ‘fact’ that early scientists were certain that the sun revolved around the earth...I recall reading as a child that science was convinced that in the early twentieth century, everything that could be invented had been invented ‘n there was nothing left to discover....
And today, the internet informs us that life has been discovered where science told us life could not has also informed us that the universe is six trillion times larger that science thought it was....’n science has just found a few bones that tells us that humans were walking around this old earth four million years ago...why, it’s getting so a body just can’t be sure what to believe anymore.....
I’m just sayin’.....

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