Saturday, December 11, 2010

O the neighborhood.....

I have a neighbor who is a devout Yellowdog Democrat....He told me yest’iday that he wished they could change the Constitution so Bill Clinton could run for Prez again....sed, he’d win in a heartbeat...
I pointed out that Bill Clinton was a self-confessed liar ‘n cheat but he didn’t remember that; I asked him if he recalled that Clinton staffers were such sore losers that they behaved like rowdy frat boys ‘n trashed the White House after Clinton had to leave but he didn’t remember that either; then he went on to complain that he just found out that he was expected to tip 20% or more at restaurants. I explained that restaurant workers had a much smaller minimum wage than unemployed plumbers who haven’t worked in more than two years ‘n he was astounded to hear that ‘n refused to believe me....’Course, he also believes that the rich should pay a lot more tax than he does ‘n that unemployment should be extended at least until he’s able to finish his ‘technical education’ so that he can get a higher paying job than unemployed plumber...which led to the short conversation about higher tuition costs which is a major irritant to him at the present that point, I tried to get ‘da boyz’ to bite him but intelligent dogs that they are, refused so I just came home ‘n took a nap....

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