Saturday, December 4, 2010

Other stuff 'n nonsense.....

Satiday ‘n the calm before the storm...sort of a ‘balmy’ cool on a grey, cloudy day...
Got the 1st Christmas card of the season in this mornings mail...the Post Office keeps talking about cancelling Saturday delivery but my guess is that it’s a lot like other entitlements ‘n a handful of people don’t want to give it up so we’ll have it as long as the money holds out.....
If you go wand’ring thru the various ‘n sundry channels, you’ll find a myriad of sappy Holiday movies...y’need to TIVO them however so’s you c’n fast forward thru the interminable commercials....of course, some of ‘em are so bad you might want to fast forward thru the movie to watch the commercials....that’s like saying “I like my coffee with cream ‘n sugar but the caffeine keeps me awake ‘n I don’t need the fat from the cream so I’ll just eat a spoonful of sugar.”
And just one other little bitty thing re: SacBee who just gets one thing after another so wrong: T’other day in a totally forgettable column, a reader had written in stating that she had both grey ‘n red squirrels in her yard ‘n that one of them was an endangered specie but she didn’t know which one...the ‘expert’ from SacBee told her that ‘one doesn’t find red squirrels west of the Rockies ‘n she was prob’ly confusing ground squirrels ‘n tree squirrels’...well, as an old country boy ‘n onetime avid squirrel hunter (tho’ to my mortification as a youth, never actually a squirrel killer) I do know the difference between a ground squirrel (chipmonk) ‘n a tree squirrel, I, too, have both grey squirrels ‘n red squirrels in my yard (grey in front ‘n red in back...or visa versa) ‘n the ‘expert’ from the SacBee don’t know his...well, y’know what I mean....
I’m just sayin’.....

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