Tuesday, December 28, 2010

On the fourth day of Christmas....

Grey skies ‘n rain in the offing but it’s better than the floods of SoCal ‘n far better than the mini Ice Age back east; doom ‘n gloom are forecast for the housing market; the price of a gallon of gas is going higher ‘n higher; the job situation grows ever bleaker ‘n for some reason the theme song from Mash (Suicide is painless)keeps running thru my head....
I was woke up early by a little dog sitting on my chest ‘n pawing at my head....quick to recognize the apparrently urgent need of my small furry friend, I leapt (creakingly slowly) from my bed ‘n hastened to the door where I had the opportunity to stand in the misty morning ‘n marvel at the slow, grey dawning of the day....(poetic, huh?)...I also had the chance to marvel at two little dogs almost totally obscured by the tall grass....I noted somewhat ruefully my abandoned weed-whacker leaning mournfully ‘gainst a tree....
Ah well, once safely ensconced back inside the snuggery, I proceeded to the kitchen to prepare the morning coffee...Alas, I lost the company of my furry friends who immediately repaired to the comfort ‘n warmth of the bedroom where they had the good sense to join the sleeping Millyrose....
The nooze in the SacBee was depressingly pedestrian ‘n mundane....the abscence of a competing newspaper over the last several years has seen the Bee take on the aspect of a shopping center newsletter ‘n mediocrity would seem to be their present goal.....
My pot of coffee, eight cups translates into three large mugs so I c’n lie to m’self about the amount of coffee I ackshully consume, is empty, only crumbs remain from the toast ‘n I’m running out of nonsense on this misty morning.....
Be of Good Cheer, Brethen, for when all else is gone we’ll still have chickens in Ol Fair Oaks....‘n even tho’ Susan may object, free range chickens make for tasty stews.....

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