Wednesday, December 8, 2010

O dem Pols....gotta love 'em....

On the ‘Whatever!’ side, I just read in the SacBee that Assemblyman Gil Cedillo believes that the 18% cut to fringe benefits ‘n salaries for the California Legislature (90% disapproval rating) were Draconian in nature ‘n should be repealed. “can’t put legislators in the volatile position of worrying that if they make a decision, it could put thei families in a difficult situation.” Hello! Ain’t it their ‘job’ to make decisions? I know a lot of people who would jump at the chance to get 95K a year plus some of those ‘fringe’ benefits to sit on their duff in the legislature ‘n whine about how tough it is to make a buck today. ‘Course, he prob’ly believes it isn’t himself that the ‘great unwashed’ disapprove of but his colleagues instead. Narcissism seems to run deep in politicians!

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