Monday, December 20, 2010


Millyrose is makin’ cookies....sooooooo, she must be feeling better, right? Well, she is but the big reason is that she’s just getting antsy....not antsy like Gina who’s fighting the War of the Ants in Davis but antsy as in she’s just tired of doing nothing.....see, doing nothing is hard work if you’ve not been born to it....I mean, if you don’t have the gift, then you have to work really hard to develop skills....that’s why retirement is so hard for some people...Oh, they think because they’ve been working all their lives that they just got into a habit that they’re finding hard to break but those people who have made a study of habits say that all you have to do to make or break a habit is to do (or not do) the same thing for....oh, like three days....’course, those same people are the same kind of people who’ll tell you that you should just eat half of a banana or three potato chips or no more than five peanuts in a day....y’know the kind of person I’m talking about.....the self-righteous prig who never eats or drinks too much, whose weight never varies, who never never never spills a food product down their shirt front...the spotless ones who live in spotless homes ‘n drive spotless cars ‘n have spotless children, the people who never....well, they just never, that’s all.....but, as usual, I digress....on that proverbial other hand, there are people who are born with ‘The Gift’....some people are great natural athletes, some are born with the gift of music...there are many, many talents that God’s children can be born with....and one of them is the ability to do nothing well...’n as I have stated here ‘n there in times past, I have that gift ‘n Millyrose doesn’t, so we complement each’s been a very satisfactory arrangement for many years now ‘n hopefully the coming year will see it continue.....that’s almost upon us ‘n I’m pretty sure we have enuff cereal in the house that we’ll survive....’specially now that she’s making cookies!

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