Friday, December 31, 2010

And on the seventh Day, He rested.....

......’course I ain’t He even tho’ there have been times when I’ve been accused of having a ‘He’ complex....

But since I’m awake at 7 in the A.M. just in time to listen to the Ol Fair Oaks Alarum Chorale as they demand the rising of the sun, which given that strange red light in the eastern sky is only moments away....and since, given the evidence of a frosty windscreen on the Matrix, it is obviously a cold ‘n frigid morning, what I think I shall do, rather than fetching the Sac Nooze from the porch, clad as I am in tee-shirt ‘n....well, whatever.....I think I’ll head back for the Land of Nod ‘n see if I c’n recapture that long-ago (ten minutes or so) dream......
Mem’ry fails as I try to recall whoever it was that said, “You can’t go home again!” ‘Course, mem’ry fails a lot these daze but I c’n state emphatically that you never can go back to a dream, no matter how pleasant....on that proverbial other hand howsomever, you can certainly return to the land of snooze if the dogs’ll just leave you alone.....
Here t’is, the Eve of a brand-new year again...
seems to happen on the seventh day of Christmas almost ev’ry year...must be a mathematical thing....I hear the leaf-blower from across the street...starts up more or less at the same time ev’er Friday...I don’t hate leaf-blowers tho’ I can’t say that I really enjoy all the noise....I use an electric leaf-blower m’self...
not nearly so noisy ‘n I don’t have to wear ear-muffs....haven’t really worn earmuffs since I wuz a boy ‘n back then we wore ‘em for the cold....they was all made the same...a metal band that clipped over the top of your head ‘n fuzzy ear coverings....dunno why we didn’t just pull the stocking caps that we all wore down over our ears but, we rolled those up so they set on the top of our heads ‘n used the earmuffs instead....they didn’t call them ‘stocking caps’ back was after the war ‘n the military terminology decreed that they were ‘watch’ caps....I might have to google that someday to broaden my base of knowledge....
A body don’t get smarter with age, y’know, but the longer you stick around this tired old world, the more knowledge you accumulate....whether you do anything with that knowledge is your own durn bizness but generally speaking, the older you get, it’ud seem like you might want to accomplish a little bit less after seeing the mess created by all the previous generations.....
I’m just sayin’......

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