Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Old Grey Mare ain't what she use'ta be....

T’other day I made the statement that ‘nostalgia ain’t what it use’ta be’....that’s just an opinion, of course, nostalgia being primarily a personal option that is open to discussion...
At any rate, back in the hinterland from whence I sprang, a good ol’ boy named Joe, posted a picture of the once upon a time McKell High School gymnasium looking abandoned ‘n bereft prior to the demolition of said high school...
McKell, along with many other small schools was deemed inadequate for the job of educating the youth of the nation ‘n was thereby abandoned in favor of a larger, more modern, more progressive Federated School System...Ackshully, what was accomplished was that we replaced an inadequate system with an incompetent system for after lo, these many years, we’re seeing proof across the length ‘n breadth of this country that throwing money at the school system is a failing proposition; the unions ‘n the administration have siphoned off the cream, so to speak, leaving only blue john to pay the teachers ‘n maintain an increasingly expensive factory that is falling apart due to neglect....
Like big government, big schools are not the answer...the bureaucracy of the government ‘n the bureaucracy of the schools view their own survival as paramount while the student, like the citizenry, must suffer the results....
I’m just sayin’....nostalgia sure ain’t what it use’ta be.....

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