Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O dem short daze of winter.....

Well, we’re taking a wee break from the rain ‘n it’s just as well ‘cuz I got to dry out the poor, semi-abandoned motorhome...
No blame on the motorhome,y’understand,
it’s entirely my own durn fault for letting the poor thing stand out there all alone in the weather....but it don’t normally leak...
‘course, we don’t normally get hours ‘n hours of rainfall ‘n wind ‘n I should’a done something about maybe covering up the air conditioners ‘n if I had maybe I wudn’t be toting heavy baskets of bedclothes up the hill to wash ‘n dry.....oh yeah, ‘n running the heater in the coach in hopes of drying out some of the wet....all my own fault ‘n nobody else which, take it from me, don’t make the situation any better.....
On to a lighter note on another short day of winter, since it appears t’be at least temporarily dry, da boyz want to go for a stroll ‘round ‘n about the village...
just to see, I presume, ‘n of course, to smell....they spend a lot of time smelling on our little strolls...basically what that means is that I don’t have to walk fast so when someone tells you that they get their exercise from walking their dog, they’re lying....
Christmas is almost upon us ‘n it seems t’be coming awful fast this year prob’ly ‘cuz Millyrose is somewhat laid up what with the broken wing ‘n all which leaves me to cope with all the Christmas stuff...
well, not so much the Christmas stuff, she don’t really trust me that far, after all we’ve only been married for a little over 51 years so in many ways, it’s still very much a wait ‘n see thing with her...I guess probation lasts a long time with some people.....anyways, what it is, is all the stuff around the house that I just don’t get done to her satisfaction....oh, I get pretty good (well, fair anyway) marks for laundry ‘n meals ‘n such but I seem to fail miserably when it comes to priorities ‘n I think that’s pretty much a man/woman thing that’s locked in the DNA ‘n there ain’t a darn thing that c’n be done about least by humanity ‘n that’s undoubtedly a good thing ‘cuz we do have a tendency to mess up whenever we’re left to our own devices.....
Ah well, Christmas is coming...blah, blah, blah, something about fat geese etcetera.....Happy Holy Days to ev’ryone...

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