Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And it's only Tuesday....

"It usually takes me more than 3 weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech."  Mark Twain

Y'know, t'day our hip-hop Preezy gave a speech down in Mexico…he spoke for 30 or 35 minutes without a teleprompter giving the lie to his critics who say he is dependent on the written word…of course, he didn't say anything in all that time which is kind'a remarkable when you think that if you give a monkey a paintbrush 'n some paint 'n a blank canvas 'n enuff time, he c'd probably turn out something that could pass for a work of art…but, I digress…but then, so does the skeezy-preezy when he doesn't have a teleprompter…
And Kevin Johnson, the once upon a time round-baller 'n current Mayor of Sack-o-tomato, endorsed the bullet train because, as every good Democrat knows, our government must rebuild the infrastructure of the whole country to keep us competitive with all those other countries that are so much ahead of us…oh yeah, 'n get our unemployment under control…it don't really matter that government spending is essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul with the house taking a percentage of every hand…what here in Sacramento, we ignorant conservatives call Maloof-enomics…
Lessee, our all-knowing government wants to tax the wealthy to build a high-speed rail system that only the wealthy can afford to ride and the under-lying intent is simply to provide jobs for the middle class…Gosh! I wonder how many ticket-takers 'n porters 'n assorted wait-persons it'll take to staff this wonderful highspeed rail system that promises to save the California electorate…'n again, quoting from Mark Twain, "The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all."

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