Friday, June 22, 2012

Justin Other Friday…
'n not much else, if it'ud been just a l'il bit cooler I might'a put on a pair of long pants…ain't very often this time of year that we get clouds 'n even a dozen or so raindrops tho' not enuff to use the wipers…still, it's been very pleasant 'n s'pozed to be that way clean thru the coming weekend…
"It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let lie around neglected."  Mark Twain
So, I sat on the porch 'n watched the scavengers work across the street…I think they maybe got close to 20 bucks or so worth of cans 'n bottles 'n more power to 'em…the squatters that last occupied the place didn't leave much but junk 'n trash…one of my neighbors has already contacted the county about coming out 'n cleaning the place up…seems that if the county is coping with foreclosed properties that come under the aegis of Freddie Mac 'n Fannie Mae (us taxpayers) they don't dawdle about cleaning them up as Freddie 'n Fannie pay up without questions…
It wuz a pleasant evening 'n I wuz chatting with brother John when Willie became agitated…it don't take a lot for him so I didn't pay any attention at first, Heck, it might'a been a cat, a squirrel, an errant leaf….but it wudn't any of those, what it wuz, wuz a parade of skunks…
See, up the street at the California House live a family of skunks…that is, a Mama skunk 'n four baby skunks 'n they were out for their evening stroll is all….I heard from Nabor Doug how they come out about the same time every evening, just Mama Skunk showing her children around the old neighborhood…they are quite a striking lot, if I do say so m'self 'n fortunately didn't seem inclined to linger at my place which didn't hurt my feelings none at all…not that I hold any personal animosity towards them being a proponent of the live 'n let live philosophy, it's just that Willie is inclined t'be a little obstreperous at times when he's meeting someone or something new 'n I wudn't want them t'get the wrong impression 'n maybe get upset with us…
Anyway, all's well that ends well 'n when last seen, the Family Skunk wuz exploring another property…maybe they'll take up residence where the squatters left 'n the county will deal with them…I believe I'd invite some guests to sit on my front porch 'n observe that…county workers really earring their money then...

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