Friday, June 15, 2012

Kickin' down the cobblestones...

"Slow down, you move too fast, you got to make the mornin' last….." Paul Simon

Well, here t'is Friday again…seems like it rolls around ever' week 'bout this same time
'n it's warmish here in Ol Fair Oaks…to be perfectly honest, it's that time of year when we're gonna see those triple-digit daze 'n our luv'ly Delta breeze is gonna stay away 'n warmish is despite all our hopes 'n wishes, gonna turn into hottish…NOT quite Red Bluff hottish 'n nowhere close to Death Valley hottish but f'durn sure central valley hottish…
which, in essence, means that common-sensically, you gotta get up early if you want t'do much of anything…'course, that also explains why Siesta is a popular California pastime, 'specially among those of us old enuff to believe in the 80/40 rule (if it's over 80o 'n you're over 40, don't do the mad dog 'n Englishman thing, stay out of the noonday sun)…

"Water, taken in moderation, can't hurt anybody."  Mark Twain

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