Sunday, June 17, 2012

A warmish Sunday morn...

"The more things are forbidden, seems like the more people want'a do 'em."  
Walking in the park on a warm Sunday morning with da boyz…little dogs onleash become protective 'n aggressive toward other dogs 'n my boyz ain't any different…problem is, seems like large dog owners think that it's perfectly fine to walk their dogs sans leash…just one of those entitlement issues so prevalent t'day…I don't want anyone to misunderstand ~ I like dogs, big ones, small ones 'n those in-between…'n I've had dogs all my life…well, since I wuz a toddler 'n that wuz a long, long time ago…We lived in a one-room cabin in Scherers Hollow…it wuz kind'a isolated there my mother's friend, Micki Hammonds, gave us her  Belgian Shepard for company 'n protection cuz my dad worked swing shift…He wuz just the first of many dogs that have lived with me 'n all my dogs ran free for most of my life…
But, times change 'n humanity flourishes 'n so do dogs 'n there's just a whole lot of both 'n a lot of cars as well 'n it just ain't in the public interest (or doggie interest either) to allow dogs the unfettered access to the world at large that they use'ta  enjoy…I mean, there's a reason for leash laws same as there is a reason for traffic laws…So, to all those free-spirited dogwalkers that think they're doing their pets a favor by allowing them to run leashfree, I have a great big nooze flash:  You ain't doing them or your neighbors any favor 'n the only thing you're proving is that your sense of entitlement that the rules somehow don't apply to you means that you are a blithering idiot…oh 'n fyi, blithering is just a nicer way of parsing what people really say about you….
"Such is the human race 'n sumtimes it seems a pity that brother Noah didn't miss the boat."

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