Sunday, June 3, 2012

Justin Other summer Sunday.....

There are people who are blessed with good sense…everybody knows 'em, they're the ones who listen 'n learn…they generally play well with others 'n their teachers always tell their parents that they're a joy to have in their classrooms…'n then, there's the rest of us…we're the ones who get frustrated 'cuz the square peg don't want to fit in the round hole so we take a hammer to it…we only read the directions after all other attempts have failed 'n we never, never ask for directions until we can't do anything else 'n then we get mad about it…we're the ones who are really mad at John Edwards for being the kind shitheel we always knew he was but didn't want to admit that we knew it all the time 'n if we could. we'd tar 'n feather him 'n ride him out of town on a rail…well, that's what we use'ta do anyways back in 'them good old daze'…
'course, that could be one of our problems…the way we recall the good old days, back when we were young 'n everything was perfect…d'ya remember those daze? Those lazy, hazy, crazy daze of summer, those daze of hot dogs 'n….ah well, mem'ries are a funny thing…all of us remember our past the way we want to whether it actually happened that way or not 'n I suppose that's a good thing…if we were to dwell on the way things actually happened, we'd probably all have ulcers 'n worse 'n we'd read the obits with a sense of joy rather than sadness…I sometimes tell people that when I wake up in the mornings, I check my pulse to make sure it's still beating before I get out of bed 'n then when I look at the news, I check the obits to make sure that I'm not there…
When I was young, I never thought I'd ever fall into the trap of doing the same thing at the same time every day…I hated going to work because every boss I ever had wanted me to be there at the same time every day 'n do the same old boring thing every day 'n that just wasn't me 'n I wasn't going to have any part of living MY LIFE that'away…Right!  Now, I like my routine 'n if I'm forced to deviate in some minor way, I get irritated about it…I like to sleep in 'til I'm ready to get up…I like my coffee the way I like it 'n when I read the news on the computer, I check my old hometown newspaper first 'n it's the obits that I read…just making sure, I guess, that I'm not there…
Of course, I have a little help with my daily routine…da boyz (dogs that they are) love their morning walk 'n if I'm a little late getting started, they complain 'n they beg 'n they use guilt ever' bit as good as my Mother in law 'n she was an expert…
Anyway, it's durn near a perfect summer day here in Ol Fair Oaks 'n while da boyz have been out already, they want'a go again…

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