Thursday, June 7, 2012

Morning stroll....

Bizzy time in Ol Fair Oaks this morning….clusters of young men in orange vests directing traffic (this time o' day about one car ever' 5 mins or so)…big orange signs blockading the Village center so that people'll know that someone, somewhere, is doing something (or about t'do something)…
What it is, I think, is the Beautification Effort that the movers 'n shakers have come up with (at a cost of more than a quarter-million dollars) to install replica old-tyme lights to spruce up the Village center…I'm okay with the replica lights tho' I don't think we'll get more turistas oohing 'n aahing over 'em 'n I b'leeve they prob'ly could'a gone to Home Depot 'n got 'em cheaper but opinions are like..well, y'know….
And the big nooze is that we got a 'Farmers Market' coming to Plaza Park…s'pozed to be every Wednesday (I think)…I'll have to skip walking da boyz around the park on those daze   cuz they definitely don't play well with others 'n that's probably my fault 'cause I never ever take 'em to the dog park to play with other doggies….
And the Primary Election in California was what my Grandma Smith would'a called a 'hum-dinger'….we got people that nobody ever heard of running for offices that most people don't know existed 'n to generate more income for ad agencies, the top two contenders have to go at it again…Someone famous once said that people get the government they deserve but Mark Twain said, "If you swing a cat by the tail, you learn things that you can't learn any other way."

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