Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The rooster of Ol Fair Oaks are demanding that the sun rise 'n start the day...

4:30 in the A.M. 'n no sleep for the wicked altho' I don't believe that I qualify as 'wicked'…since that word means evil, sinful, immoral, wrong 'n a whole host of really bad things including nasty, harsh 'n unpleasant…Elwood P. Dowd said, 'n I paraphrase: "There are two ways of getting along in this old world; one is to be oh so very clever 'n the other is to be pleasant. I recommend pleasant."  
I tho't that wuz good advice 'n since I never had the capacity t'be clever, I have tried to stick with pleasant since I'm basically a lazy person 'n pleasant seemed a good alternative to working hard…I think that's not a particularly original thought on my part as a lot of lazy people seem to be on the pleasant side…that's not to say that those people who are hard-working 'n industrious can't be pleasant when they can find the time, it's just that they seem t'be so very, very busy…
Take Nabor Doug, f'rinstance…he's ackshully a very pleasant fellow, most generally has a big smile on his face as he goes hurrying by…he goes for a walk every day, sometimes twice a day, as do I but the similarity begins 'n ends with the word 'walk'…See, we have totally different definitions of the word 'walk'…he goes head down, arms pumping, full speed ahead while I tend to amble…'course, he does go alone while I muddle along with da boyz 'n dogs, as you probably know, are natural amblers…'n generally pleasant tho' Rusty talks a lot 'n Willie is always ready for an adventuresome chase should the opportunity present itself…
Down the hill is Signor Paulo who could have stepped out of an early Steinbeck novel…Paulo walks every day also, not like Nabor Doug who walks with purpose aforethought 'n Paulo don't amble like me…he's more of a stroller, a man with a casual attitude…he ain't really Italian, it's that he leads what use's be thought of as an Italinate lifestyle…y'know, a glass of wine, a cigarette 'n always  time to stop for a little conversation…I expect that overall, Signor Paulo is more pleasant that m'self because he's younger…when I became a septuagenarian, I also became a little impatient with the movers 'n shakers that intrude upon my little world…y'know the ones of which I speak…the people that want to take pizza 'n soda pop out of my diet, those people that believe sidewalks 'n streetlights will improve the quality of my life, the people that want me to get rid of my old truck 'n ride a bicycle the way I did when I wuz twelve years old…
Problem is, I ain't twelve years old 'n I like pizza 'n soda pop 'n I never did give a tinkers dam for sidewalks 'n streetlights 'n I have an old truck just because…(when my mother got tired of coming up with reasons to satisfy the curiosity of young boys, she'd say 'Just because!")…
"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval."  Mark Twain 

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