Sunday, June 3, 2012

A buck in the south forty.....

"Be obscure clearly."  E.B. White

Well, it looks as if we might get a cool spell, maybe even a little rain…it happens now 'n then tho' it's often more trouble than it's worth…what it does is, it causes the grasses to grow 'n then it gets hot again 'n dries everything out 'n creates a fire hazard…'n that, as Baretta use'ta say is the name of that tune…
Anywaze, it's been warmish (not quite triple digits but close) 'n a young buck has taken refuge in our south forty (if you ain't figured it out yet, that's what I call my overgrown back yard)…most years we get two bucks 'n a doe 'n last year we had a doe 'n her fawn (deer get very protective with their young)…when they're around, I keep a close watch on da boyz…Rusty (the old poodle-dogger) might show a little curiosity but wudn't push the issue but Willie is a whole 'nother story…last year, with the doe 'n her fawn, I had to keep Willie on a short leash…I believe he tho't they were just large dogs 'n he wanted to play… the other day, he met up with a big old black rooster who not only didn't run from him but went into attack mode…fortunately for Willie, I take a dim view of roosters when I'm in a good mood so I didn't kick the bird as hard as I might otherwise have done…
The Chicken Whisperer (the self-appointed shepherd of our flock of feral fowl) told me that chicken rustlers were coming to town 'n making off with roosters in wholesale numbers…
"Nobody eats roosters" she declared.  "They're taking them to the cockfights to be killed."
"You're probably right," I replied, "it's a tough life being a chicken."
On the whole, I quite like The Chicken Whisperer but I've learned that we definitely do not have a shared sense of humor so I keep most of my snide comments to myself or maybe share 'em with Nabor Doug who is of a similar mind to myself…

I read somewhere that behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes…Boy, I wish't that wuz true!

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