Monday, June 25, 2012


Here t'is Monday already, summers just begun 'n seems t'be flying by 'n don't seem  t'be at all bothered whether anybodys having fun or not...
About a week ago the 'squatters' across the street packed up 'n moved out…the pick'emup trucks ran steady for a couple daze….'n then, a few daze later, they came back with two trucks 'n scavenged the house….y'know, stuff like the a/c, fixtures, etc…
After them, different scavengers came 'n went, carrying off cans 'n bottles 'n assorted 'other stuff 'til there ain't much left 'cept plain old trash...
And t'day…well, this morning ackshully, a red Nissan pick'emup truck (one of the original(?) squatters) returned with a truckload of trash which he deposited on the property 'n drove away…gives a whole new meaning to the word 'audacity'….
Otherwise, the village wuz on the quiet side this morning when da boyz 'n I took our little stroll…we had a nice conversation with an old boy from Sandy Hook who gets a little homesick now 'n again but his wife is from this area 'n he's determined to make the best of things...'n Willie bit a bee…he wuz somewhat nonplussed at that…I do believe it wuz the very first time that he's ever managed to chomp down on one…if he wuz a truly smart doggie, it'ud probably be the last time but I don't hold our a lot of hope for that…'course, I don't really talk politics with Willie…at least, not very often as it's my belief that dogs are just natural Democrats 'n my quarreling with 'em 'ud probably give them dyspepsia or somthing 'n the end result would be another vet bill for ain't easy after you turn into a Republican...

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