Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daze of summer....

So, the sun is shining 'n the temp is going up, up, 'n away….there ain't no breeze a'tall a'tall, least as far as I c'n tell…'n there ain't no SacBee either…well, we went for a long time without missing a paper or even having to look for it as it wuz purty much in the same place ever' morning…then the guy retired or found a real job or moved because we've evidently had a couple different carriers the last few months 'n they're iffy about the snooze-nooze…plus they tend to drop it in different places in some kind of hide'n seek game…'n if I still can't find it, why then I have to 'make contact' with the old Bee answering system (press 1, press 2, press 3, etc) so that sometime later in the morning, a real live person'll come by, drop a paper by the door 'n disappear…I could maybe understand it better if this wuz our winter season when it's dark 'n wet 'n cold 'n sane people don't even want to think about getting out of a nice warm bed to go do a job that used to be a foot in the door to economic security for the budding entrepreneurs of yesterday…Although I never ackshully participated in such an endeavor m'self, two of my brothers did though neither of them came anywhere close to Warren Buffett status…'course, they did manage to acquire new bicycles out of it (one of which wuz unfortunately destroyed by a customer backing over it with her own vehicle which wuz much larger 'n had 4 wheels 'n a teeny-tiny rearview mirror)…
Ah well, daze of yore...

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