Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday in the park....

Y'know, I still carry a pocketknife with me just like I did in those once't upon a time daze in Beattyville…I ain't gone barefootin' in years howsumever…seems like rocks are rockier on old feet, sandals are 'bout near as I come to barefoot t'day…I got to thinking about what I use'ta tote around in my pockets back then…a pocket knife, some fishing line, hook 'n sinker, maybe a couple small stones 'cept we didn't call 'em stones, we called 'em rocks…
what I didn't carry with me in those long-ago daze wuz plastic baggies for picking up dog poop…I betcha that the entire population of the United States back then would'a looked askance at anybody that went around picking up dog poop…'course, it's pretty common t'day 'n people look askance at anyone who duzn't pick up after their dog…well, here in California anyways…I'm sure that there are still a lot of places in this country where they don't have leash laws 'n people don't go around picking up dog poop!
Ah well, one of the things that you need t'do if you're gonna think of yourself as civilized, is to be mindful 'n show a little consideration for your fellow human beings…I mean, let's face it, if you're out for a Sunday stroll 'n you step in dog poop, it might not ruin your whole day but it'll certain for sure put an exclamation mark next to a few minutes of it…
So, for some reason 'n I blame it on old-timers, not altzheimers, I left the house t'day without putting in a roll of those little green baggies  that we bought for the express purpose of picking up dog poop, quoting the Preezy, "It's the right thing to do!"….
Anyway, halfway thru our little stroll, I realized that I didn't have the baggies in my pocket (don'cha just love cargo pants with all them pockets)…I mean, I had my knife 'n my cellphone 'n my keys 'n my handkerchief 'n my wallet…I even had a small stone that I picked up along the way but I didn't have those little green baggies that we bought for the express purpose of picking up dog poop!
'N I began to fear that right out there in the middle of the park in front of all those turistas, one or both of my dogs might decide that wuz the opportune time to take a dump 'n I wudn't be able to pick it up 'n deposit it in the trash cans so thoughtfully provided by the Fair Oaks Park 'n Recreation District so I turned right around 'n made my way back to Crestline lickety-split…or as lickety-split as a body can when he is encumbered by two small dogs that didn't particularly want to go back so soon…
But we did…'n we barely made it back to Crestline when both of 'em decided that they had waited long enuff so they crapped in the dry leaves across the street from Nabor Doug 'n I didn't have to pick up the dog poop in the little green baggies that we bought for the express purpose of picking up dog poop but that I had forgot 'n left at home….
And that's the truth!


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